Project Development Grant (PDG) Pre-Proposal - 2024

Deadline: December 31st, 2024 06:00 PM EST

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  Download Solicitation

The Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Mississippi INBRE) is soliciting proposals to enhance all areas of biomedical research and promote student participation in related careers. 

Tenure-track faculty at Mississippi’s primarily undergraduate institutes who have published peer-reviewed articles in the last four years are welcome to apply. Project Development Grants will have a two-year project period and direct costs of $70,000/year.

Download and read the full RFA here.

Pre-proposal submission

To best serve partner institutes and other researchers in Mississippi, Mississippi INBRE is requiring applicants provide a pre-proposal to initiate submission of Project Development Grants. The information will be used to assess eligibility and arrange consultation with Mississippi INBRE personnel to help prospective awardees best leverage resources and expertise available through the network. Two documents are required to complete a pre-proposal.

Upload 1: Biosketch (NIH format)

Upload 2: Specific Aims (one page limit)

*Click "Download Solicitation" at the top of this page to download the required NIH documents to be submitted.